Women soldiers, by Louise Bryant


“…I asked Kira to explain how she was hurt.

«Well, that night when the Bolsheviki took the Winter Palace and told us to go home, a few of us were very angry and we got into an argument,» she said.

«We were arguing with soldiers of the Pavlovsk regiment. A very big soldier and I had a terrible fight. We screamed at each other and finally he got so mad that he pushed me and I fell out of the window. Then he ran downstairs and all the other soldiers ran downstairs…. The big soldier cried like a baby because he had hurt me and he carried me all the way to the hospital and came to see me every day.»

«And how do you live now?» I said. «How do you manage to get enough to eat?»

Anna Shub answered my question. «Why, the Red Guard,” she said, blushing a little, “have been dividing their bread with us, and yesterday,” she went on proudly, “they brought us six pieces of wood, and so we have been warm all day.»

«Have you forgiven the Bolsheviki for disarming you?» I asked Kira.

Anna Shub broke in and asked excitedly: «Why should we forgive them? It is they who should forgive us. We are working girls and traitors have been trying to persuade us to fight our own people. We were fooled and we almost did it.»…”


Enlace al recurso (en inglés) “Women soldiers” Chapter XXI: Six Red Months in Russia, Chapter XXI, en Marxists Internet Archive

Soldados de la República, Dorothy Parker


Soldados republicanos que parten hacia el frente de Aragón. Barcelona. Agosto de 1936. Robert Capa © International Center of Photography

“…Volvimos a las brazadas de natación para explicarles que se llevaran el resto de los cigarrillos —catorce cigarrillos para seis soldados que iban a la guerra—, y entonces nos estrecharon otra vez la mano. Después, todos nosotros dijimos «¡Salud!» tantas veces como hacía falta para seis de ellos y tres de nosotros, y después salieron en fila del café, los seis, cansados, polvorientos y pequeños, como son pequeños los hombres de una horda poderosa…”

Enlace al recurso “Soldados de la República”, en Federación Estatal de Foros por la Memoria (FEFFM)